Blogger Hack Plugin Plugins Widget Cara Pasang Share Tweet Meme Jika kita tanya pada mbah google dengan kata kunci Cara Pasang Share Tweet Meme ini mungkin tulisan yang ke sribu kali. Tapi bagi saya tidak... By Wong Ndeso September 25, 2012 Edit
Facebook Plugin Widget How to add Facebook connect to Blogger (deprecated) All of you know that seems impossible to add Facebook connect to Blogger especially when you can’t upload file or even creating full HTML cu... By Wong Ndeso Januari 21, 2012 Edit
Plugin Template Hack Breadcrumbs for Blogger With my new Blog Skin I also introduced a "Breadcrumb Trail" to my Blog. If this doesn't ring a bell, don't worry. Remembe... By Wong Ndeso Januari 20, 2012 Edit
Plugin Template Hack Widget Selective display of widgets Here is a small tutorial on how to display your blog's widgets selectively on your pages. Let's suppose you only want to show your P... By Wong Ndeso Februari 18, 2011 Edit
Plugin Template Hack Widget Post Summary And Read More My old friends here are very well aware of the Peek-A-Boo-Posts hack that Ramani and I came up with several years ago. It required quite som... By Wong Ndeso Februari 18, 2011 Edit
Blogger Plugin Template Hack Widget BlogToC Widget Released The job is done. We now have a complete interactive Table Of Contents. Click the button in my sidebar to display the TOC. You can sort the T... By Wong Ndeso Februari 18, 2011 Edit
Adsense Blogger Plugin Template Hack exchanging links-script What is the benefit of exchanging links? and how? The question that perhaps we often hear or read from the bloggers, especially bloggers w... By Wong Ndeso Februari 14, 2011 Edit
Adsense Blogger Plugin Template Hack Widget How to Put Google Adsense on Postings one thing to note is the placement of adsense google adsense adsense. diinginkan proper placement will provoke interest in the reader to men... By Wong Ndeso Februari 14, 2011 Edit
Blogger Blogger Pemula Plugin Template Hack Widget Related Posts Widget for Blogger with Thumbnails Displaying the links to related posts along with a thumbnail of the corresponding post will help you increase the page views/user .Users ... By Wong Ndeso Februari 13, 2011 Edit
Blogger Blogger Pemula Plugin Template Hack Widget Social bookmarking elements after each blog post Update :-Facebook Icon Added Social Bookmarking Icons for Blogger - The social bookmarking blogger widget will add neat social bookmark... By Wong Ndeso Februari 13, 2011 Edit